Casting Manufacturing

Welcome To Aganita Adstenfan

We provide casting simulation services and solutions. We use state of artcasting simulation software, ADSTEFAN from Hitachi to help foundries in India and overseas.

Our founder and promoter brings more than 40 years of experience in casting simulation, modelling, finite element analysis. We pioneered the casting simulation in India in late 1990s through ProSIM. Now Aganita has been formed to service casters and foundries in India exclusively. We empower foundries and casting companies to gating optimization and process parameter optimization, enhance productivity, reduce rejections, casting yield increase and deliver superior quality castings.

Utilizing a physics-based approach, we employ cutting-edge metal casting simulation techniques. We use casting solidification simulation software to simulate the flow of molten metal in die and mold cavity. We further simulate and predict the heat transfer in the molten metal as well as in die and mold. Using this sophisticated technique, we work to determine casting defects before physical trials. This includes shrinkage porosity prediction, air entrapment prediction, prediction of blow holes, hot tears, cold shuts, Casting crack prediction, Casting warpage prediction, and misruns.

We enable casting engineers to conduct multiple iterative trials virtually on a computer, for all casting processes including sand casting simulation, Shell molding simulation, investment casting simulation and die casting simulation including gravity die casting simulation, tilt gravity die casting simulations, high pressure die casting simulation and Low pressure die casting simulation.

This facilitates rapid optimization of the casting process and casting methoding optimization.

Over the years, we have partnered with several hundreds of casting companies and foundries in India and abroad, delivering tangible results in terms of casting rejection reduction, casting yield improvement, and improve productivity.

Using our expertisein casting defect analysis and casting melt flow simulation, our clients have got benefitted to increase their profitability and productivity.

Our casting methods simulation and accurate casting defect prediction-based engineering solutions offer a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges faced by the casting industry.

For your problems associated with casting defects and remedies contact us.

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Casting Manufacturing

Casting Manufacturing

This is needed for existing castings that have unusually high or unexpectedly varying level of internal defects

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Casting Troubleshooting

Casting Troubleshooting

This is needed for existing castings that have unusually high or unexpectedly varying level of internal defects

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  • What is casting simulation?
  • Casting simulation is a process that uses computer software to model the behavior of molten metal as it is poured into a mold and solidifies. This helps predict and mitigate potential defects in the final cast product.
  • Why is casting simulation important?
  • Casting simulation helps manufacturers optimize the casting process, reduce defects, improve quality, and save costs by predicting issues such as shrinkage, porosity, and incomplete filling before actual production.
  • Which industries benefit from casting simulation?
  • Industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and any sector that requires high-quality metal components benefit from casting simulation. It is particularly valuable in sectors where precision and reliability are critical.
  • What software is commonly used for casting simulation?
  • Some commonly used casting simulation software includes ADSTEFAN, MAGMASOFT, ProCAST, FLOW-3D CAST, AnyCasting, and Simufact. These tools offer various features for different types of casting processes and materials.
  • How accurate are casting simulations?
  • The accuracy of casting simulations depends on the quality of input data, including material properties, process parameters, and the resolution of the mesh. Advanced software with precise data can achieve high accuracy, closely matching real-world results.
  • What are the key parameters needed for casting simulation?
  • Key parameters include material properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, viscosity), mold geometry, pouring temperature, flow rate, cooling conditions, and environmental conditions.
  • Can casting simulation predict all types of defects?
  • While casting simulation can predict many types of defects, including shrinkage, porosity, and cold shuts, it may not capture all possible issues, especially those related to microstructural changes or unforeseen process variations.
  • How does casting simulation help in design optimization?
  • Casting simulation helps in design optimization by allowing engineers to experiment with different mold designs, gating systems, and process parameters virtually. This reduces the need for physical prototypes, saving time and resources.
  • What are the limitations of casting simulation?
  • Limitations of casting simulation include the reliance on accurate input data, computational costs, and the complexity of accurately modeling all physical phenomena involved in casting. Additionally, simulations may not account for all real-world variables.
  • How does one validate a casting simulation?
  • Validation of casting simulations involves comparing the simulation results with experimental data from actual castings. This can include dimensional checks, defect analysis, and mechanical property testing to ensure the simulation accurately reflects reality.